In loving memory of David R. Mullineux

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2, 2011

Wow, it's certainly going to take a bit of time getting used to writing "2011".  I think I've just become accustomed to writing 2010 when January 1st rolled around again...I think this is a sign of age.  :(  And yet, with age, in most cases anyway, comes wisdom; so I won't complain...I'll simply continue to pray for wisdom!

I received a prayer request from one of our Prayer Warriors, Bob, this evening.  This is his note to me:

"To all my Prayer Warriors out there...A cousin of mine will be taking care of her aunt this coming week. Please keep her aunt Mary in your prayers...

She had breast cancer, two aggressive bouts of it, and this last recurrance, about 2 years ago, is now in her brain and the spinal fluid, She's had a brain shunt placed for local chemo (to the brain), and it's been very difficult, to say the least. I am going down for a week, next monday, to be her care-giver for a bit. I kinda wonder if she'll make it, or bounce back!! She's not very old. She is dad's youngest sister (she's 60)."

I can't speak for everyone, but I am 42, so 60 is very young to me...merely middle age.  I'm literally begging everyone to pour out your hearts in prayer for Mary and her family, including Bob as he goes down to help take care of her and is able to lay hands on her in prayer & healing.

"You are the God who performs miracles & wonders; you display your power among your people."  Psalm 77:14

I interpret this verse to mean "among and through" your people, as I have seen God's miracles in the 21st century, delivered through His people.  Having said that, I am also a believer that being delivered to Heaven is a miracle in and of itself.  We, as human beings, want our loved ones to live forever.  We never want to see them pass away, it is in our nature to desire their full healing and this is something that we, at Critical Outreach Ministries, pray fervently for every single day.  But we do know that when a Christian is delivered to Heaven, into the arms of our Lord and Savior, it is the greatest day of their lives, a day for celebration.  It is but a transition of life. Not the end.  So we pray for comfort, peace, love & salvation for everyone on our prayer list and for everyone whom I minister to on a daily basis as well as those whom our Prayer Warriors minister to on a daily basis; for we are vast and mighty, by the grace of God.  After four years in the making, we are near to 200 Prayer Warriors strong; and this ministry, if you remember, grew out of tremendous tragedy. 

You see, in all things, God has a Heavenly purpose.  We can't see it, touch it, smell it or taste it.  It does not seem tangible to the human senses, but in hindsight it is incredibly mighty, inspirational and productive.  Nothing God does or allows is in vain; and it's always extremely important to remember that God gave us free will here on earth.  God does not rule this earth, Satan does.  We have been given the divine right to choose between the two and many confuse this point (and yet, look around you at how many of us are Christians, what a Victory Christ has made, what a triumph He has upon this World!).  "How can your God allow this or that to happen?" "Aren't you angry with your God for allowing your husband to die?" and so forth.  These questions are fruitless, God isn't the ruler here...yet.  But He is the Supreme Ruler, over everything, and the "being" who is responsible for all of the disease and pain of this World, Satan, will be the first to be cast into the fiery pit of Hell on Judgement Day.

If I were to hold any anger, it would be with Satan; but I hold no anger as it does me no good.  It only hinders my relationship with God and with others.  It is very true that I am extremely justice driven & slow to hand over my trust; that being said, at this place in my life, that drive has brought me to begin this very ministry.  Because so many people are in critical situations and have no Pastor or Chaplain, who is a Christian, who is willing to be at their side, from beginning to end.  They don't have a Pastor who is dedicated to them from start to finish, no excuses.  Someone who will be "present" everyday and dedicated to their family.  This is the ministry that God has called me to and I refuse to dismiss His calling. 

I know, and have known for years, without a shadow of doubt, that God has called me into this ministry and it was shared with me a few evenings ago, by a perfect stranger, that my late husband (who he referred to as my angel) had his hand in making sure this came into fruition.  He always knew that I wanted to get out of Law and into the ministry.  This man told me, without knowing any of this, that David was now an angel for our family.  I'm struggling with what I believe in that regard but I do know that my mind is open.  "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"  Hebrews 1:14  It certainly makes you pause and ponder, does it not?

God's blessings to everyone & may your angels guide you!  Thank you so much for taking the time to read our blog and pray over the prayer requests posted here.  Eternal love in Christ,

Pastor Dana

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